Julia Kaufmann
M.A. Student and Teaching Assistant
Building & Room:
UH 527
601 S. Morgan Street
Júlia Kaufmann (she/her/ela/dela) is a first-generation college graduate from Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She graduated in International Relations from UNISC - University of Santa Cruz do Sul in 2020. She worked for five years in foreign trade and also supported the project GTARI - Grupo de Trabalho em Apoio a Refugiados e Imigrantes (Working Group in Support of Refugees and Immigrants), affiliated with UNISC. She is passionate about social sciences, and her research is related to gender, race, violence, and organizational studies. She currently focuses on sustainable institutional change for corporate spaces in Brazil. Júlia is a second-year M.A. student in Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and the more she learns about Latin America, the more she wants to contribute to changing its future. You can find her writing to-do lists, coloring books, and listening to music in her free time.